Thursday 12 June 2014


Follow my blog with Bloglovin I recently went crazy and bought a whole bunch of African printed material which i am excited about :D Each of the material/fabric is 6 yards long.
In the fashion industry at the moment the African printed material/fabric is creating a storm and even some celebrities such as Beyonce and her sister Solange have been spotted  rocking this new trend. The African print fabric is known for its vibrant colors and its uniqueness which will always make you stand out from the crowd.
These are some of the fabric I purchased.

These materials/fabrics are from the western part of Africa. In Kenya we have our own fabric/material called leso or khanga which is extremely colorful and come in pairs and have beautiful sayings in swahili. The sayings on the leso are quite unique in that finding another two pairs lesos with the same saying on them and finding two of the same print is quite difficult if not impossible.

This is the leso fabric. The meaning of the saying is Take heart God is able.
Till next time 

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